a social practice & storytelling lab for visionary futures

Studio Loba

works at the intersection of art and community to build visionary futures

Studio Loba is a social practice & performance lab. We design and realize art and culture projects, with and for community, to show what justice-centered futures can look like. We work with artists, culture bearers, and residents to harness our collective strengths and creative strategies for cultural organizing.

We believe art and culture are essential for justice work and collective liberation.

What we do.

  • Projects

    We create, produce, and steward culturally-rooted art and culture projects, also known as ‘place-keeping’ initiatives. We specialize in cultural events, public art activations, community art exhibits, live performance, and art-based campaigns for social causes.

  • Consulting

    We provide consulting services for artist cohorts, arts organizations, municipalities, foundations, and city agencies. We focus on cultural planning for cities, creative economies and communities, artist cohort programs, and more. Our consulting is grounded in racial and gender justice.

  • Workshops

    We offer workshops for artists, art administrators, and arts organizations. We specialize in Finances for Artists, Contracts for Artists, Socially Engaged Art Strategies, Effective Community Partnerships, and Cultural Project Management.

  • Everything Living Fights Back

    Supporting the reconfiguration of the exhibit ‘Nothing Living Lives Alone’ in response to its cancellation and censorship by Providence College.

  • 'A Soft Fire': Art & Healing Justice with SISTA Fire

    A series of workshops using art, theatre, and cultural practice as healing justice.

  • PORTALES: Reimagining the Future

    An art exhibit showing how artists and organizers in Rhode Island responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and the movement against racial injustice.